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17 SMK 


17th Slovene Marketing Conference
Be Smarter. Simple and More Effective Marketing in Today's World

29th and 30th May 2012, Grand hotel Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia

Tuesday, 29th May
9.30 - 10.00
  Registration of participants
10.00 - 10.10
Enzo Smrekar

Opening of the conference and introduction:

  • Maja Makovec Brenčič, Marketing Association of Slovenia
  • Peter Frankl, Business Daily Finance
  • Enzo Smrekar, president of programme committee of 17. SMC
10.10 - 11.00
Luca S. Paderni

Most Important Trends in Marketing: More Efficient Solutions for New Business Models 

The first speaker of the conference:

 • Luca S. Paderni, Forrester Research: Marketing Reinvention Through the Life Cycle of Consumer


 11.00 - 11.30

Aleksander Zadel


Be Smarter: Simpler and More Effective Marketing

• Aleksander Zadel, Inštitut C. A. R.: Where Actually Is the Crisis? Inside Us or Around Us?

11.30 - 11.45

  •  Panel Q&A

Section led by: Maja Makovec Brenčič, Faculty of Economics

 11.45 - 12.15

12.15 - 12.55
Jožek Gruškovnjak


 Experience of the Global Marketer

• Jožek Gruškovnjak, IBSG, Cisco Systems: Marketing: What's Your Technology Strategy?

12.55 - 13.35

 From New Products Development to Market Success

• Wim Biemans, University of Groningen: The Role of Marketing in Successful Innovation

13.35 - 13.45
  • Panel Q & A

Section led by: Enzo Smrekar, Atlantic Grupa

13.45 - 15.30
15.30 - 16.00
  Branko Greganovič

Efficient Use of Marketing Skills

Branko Greganovič, MSc: The Importance of Understanding Customers' Profitability - the Key to Create the Value Added of a Company


16.00 - 16.30
Why are Internet Marketing and Sales Killing the Tradition?

Axel Steuernagel, DSc, Mirela Čanič, Studio Moderna: Stilago - An Innovative Concept to Build the Leading Internet Fashion Marketing Platform

16.30 - 17.00
Roman Dobnikar
  • Roman Dobnikar, Petrol: A New Sales Channel for 1 + 1 = 3!
17.00 - 17.15
  • Panel Q & A

Section led by: Uroš Cvetko, Valicon


17.15 - 18.00



Round Tables with candidates for 2012 Marketing Director of the Year

Candidates are:

Eva Aljančič, Si.mobil d.d.
Ladeja Godina Košir, Delo, d.d.
Matjaž Grm, Adria Mobil d.o.o. 

Led by: Iztok Sila, MKZ, and Zenel Batagelj, Valicon

18.00 - 20.30
  Grand Garden party with Denis Avdić, Radio 1
20.30 -
Evening event (Tartini Theatre, Cafe Teater):

Conferral of Marketing Director of the Year Award
Conferral of Marketing Prospect Award for the best Master's Thesis
Concert - Bossa de Novo
Evening party at Cafe Teater
Od 21.30 dalje
  Evening party at Cafe Teater


Wednesday, 30th May

 Good morning magic ...

• Dimis Michaelides, Managing Director, Performa Consulting Ltd: How to Integrate Creativity in Organisation*

10.30 - 11.15
Hermann Simon

 Key note speaker of Day 2

• Prof. Hermann Simon, Simon-Kucher & Partners: How to Boost Profit through Power Pricing*

Section led by: Enzo Smrekar, Atlantic Grupa

11.15 - 11.30
11.30 - 12.30

Contributions from the public call: Development of Products/Services/ Solutions and Pricing

Aljaž Podlogar, Panvita: In whose responsibility is the pricing policy: the trademark owner or the person controlling the sales channel?

Tomaž Arh, Atlantic Grupa: CaseArgeta - the need to integrate marketing and R & D to achieve greater competitiveness

Neja Rupnik, Aleš Dolenc, M Sora:
Interdependence of marketing and R & D at company M SORA

Section led by: Gregor Pilgram, Generali Zavarovalnica


 12.30 - 13.15

13.15 - 14.00
Peter Frankl

Round table with invited guests covering the main topic of the conference: "Simple and Smart"

• Introduction to round table: Selda Senkaya (IBM): Corporate character of modern CMO

• Nikola Žinić (Bruketa & Žinić), Selda Senkaya (IBM) and others

Discussion led by: Peter Frankl, Časnik Finance

14.00 - 14.30
Julian Boulding

Communication and Position - What's New?

• Julian Boulding, President of thenetworkone: From Heart to Head, and Back Again: How the Internet Has Changed Marketing Forever

14.30 - 15.00

• Goetz Trillhaas, Head of Agency, CEEMEA, Google Germany: Make the web work for you

Section led by: Sašo Dimitrievski, Pristop


15.00 - 15.15

  • Q & A

 15.15 - 15.30

Neil Morley

Instead of the conclusion...

• Neil Morley, Akrapovič: My View on the Conference and Slovene Marketing

 15.30 ...

   Farewell to SMC 2013

** To be confirmed 


Hvala vsem, ki ste soustvarjali letošnjo SMK in prispevali svoj delež k uspehu trženjskega dogodka leta!

Veseli smo, da ste bili z nami.
Se vidimo prihodnje leto na 18. Slovenski marketinški konferenci.

Vaše mnenje šteje. Izpolnite anketo SMK.

Prezentacije avtorjev, ki so dovoli objavo, so vam na voljo tukaj.

Kupon za udeležence SMK s 30% popustom.
Klikni za več informacij.


 Pokrovitelji:                Organizatorja:
 zavarovalnica triglav
 Studio Moderna
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